The Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the 13th African Games, Accra 2023, Hosts a Press Soirée to Interact With the Media on the Preparations for the 13th African Games Preparations

December 17, 2023

The Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the 13th African Games, Accra 2023, organized a strategic Press Soirée on December 15th, 2023.

Held at the LOC’s newly established secretariat in Abelemkpe, the event aimed to engage with the media, providing insights into the ongoing preparations for the upcoming Games and soliciting collaborative support in their promotion.

The gathering drew a distinguished audience, featuring officials from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, key members of the LOC, representatives from LOC sub-committees, prominent media figures, and delegates from National Sports Federations. Notably, the event also reached over 1500 viewers via a live broadcast on Facebook, spanning across the continent.

During the soirée, the LOC presented comprehensive updates on the current state of preparations for the 13th African Games. Additionally, reports highlighting the progress made by various LOC sub-committees were shared, offering a detailed overview of the collective efforts invested in ensuring a seamless execution of the Games.

The occasion witnessed active participation from prominent media personalities, who seized the opportunity to contribute valuable suggestions, advice, and express their unwavering support for the Games.

The exchange of ideas between the LOC and media representatives underscored the importance of collaboration in organizing and hosting a successful and widely celebrated event.

As the 13th African Games continue to gain momentum, the LOC remains committed to fostering transparency, engagement, and unity among stakeholders. Stay tuned for further updates as the Games edge closer to becoming a landmark event in the sporting calendar.

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