Media and Communication Sub-Committee Unveils Robust Campaign to Elevate 13th African Games Awareness

December 17, 2023

In the recent press soirée organized by Local Organising Committee of the 13th African Games, Chairperson of the Media and Communication Sub-Committee Dan Kwaku Yeboah unveiled a series of strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing visibility and engagement in the lead-up to the prestigious event.

Multilingual Accessibility on Accra 2023 Website:

The Media and Communication Team achieved a significant milestone by seamlessly translating the Accra 2023 Website into all official AU languages, including English, French, Kiswahili, Arabic, Portuguese, and Spanish. This strategic move underscores the committee’s commitment to fostering effective communication with participating countries.

Official Newsletter Publication:

The Media and Communication Sub-Committee introduced a regular Official Newsletter for the Games. The inaugural edition, titled “Building Momentum,” provided a meticulous overview of significant activities, meetings, and events organized by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC). Subsequent editions highlighted major infrastructure improvements and progress coinciding with the 100 days countdown.

Media Outreach Program:

Initiating a comprehensive media outreach program, the Media Sub-Committee orchestrated weekly TV and radio interviews with select LOC members on high-profile shows. This effort was complemented by weekly airtime coverage in prominent newspapers, ensuring a broad and varied reach to the audience.

Social Media Promotion Strategy:

To strengthen the online presence of the African Games, the Media and Communication Sub-Committee actively promoted the event across various social media platforms.

These collective initiatives underscore the team’s unwavering commitment to fostering effective communication, disseminating key developments, and maximizing engagement as the 13th African Games approach Accra 2023. Stay tuned for more updates as the Games draw nearer, promising an event of unprecedented scale and excitement.

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